Olivia Korte, Randyl Dawn, Julie Garlindo, Yes, They Are The Falken Angels

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Las Vegas, NV (W&HM) - Falken Models are always among the top tier in the promotional modeling.  They are regal, fashionable, and totally gorgeous!  Olivia Korte gave us a happy smile after we failed properly photographing her earlier due to the strange rays of light called sunset... Olivia graciously gave us the complete look with the Falken car and Falken Umbrealla.  That's Falken cool!
It was so hot, that we don't know how Randyl Dawn (above right) and Julie Garlindo (below right) can wear those outfits and not fainted.  Who said modeling is easy?  Great job Team!!
Julie was working at the booth at super drive.  Each time we went back, and we went back a lot, she was always greeting the long line of fans, and signing a stack of posters, and smiling to our camera.  We salute you Julie!  You are amazing!!

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