2012 Spocom Highlights 2

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Anaheim, CA (Py) - Spocom is a big event, so vendors love to use this opportunity to announce their new products.  Drive M7 Energy Drink has hired a great array of awesome models (above), from left to right: Eva Skye, Sheryllyn Escano, Jenna Trujillo, Sarah McDowd, Ashley Labady, and Lannie Huynh.  Great jobs girls!

Ngan Vo (above left) is such a cute yet friendly model that always give photographers great images!  Raquel Estralla is a league of  her own and that's why she won the title of 2012 Miss SpoCom this year, we think!  Congratulations!!
Tracy Linh (above left)!  We haven't seen her for a long time!!  She's always so cool to catch up!  She also has a new look.  Looking great, isn't she?  Vivian Nguyen is so refreshing and cool that she's just like the brand!  Very cool!


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