Quick Highlight of 2018 Raceworz Fontana Car Show and Model Lounge #Raceworz by W&HM

W&HM / Wheels and Heels Magazine / www.wheelsandheelsmag.com / Py Pai
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2018 Raceworz Fontana Was a Fun and Hot Event with Excitements and Glamour

It's hot!  Like Florida hot here in the the Autoclub Speedway Fontana, drag race parking lot.  The noises from the races, and blaring music, plus the hard-working MC at the stage, mixed in the atmosphere of a festival of race chasers, car lovers and model appreciators.

Model Lounge

The model lounge has hosted continuously coming models at various hours.  We got there at the height of the sun and dampest in the air.  This is the worst condition for a model to bear, with little breeze and lots of heat.

However, we captured these brave models in the worst case weather condition, and this totally showed their relentless dedication and tough-it-out spirit despite the annoyances of the heat.

Vendor Models

Vendors brought several models, including our feature model.  In coincidence of concurrent event down in San Diego, the grand Comic Con.  Therefore, the model population in the vendor spaces, were a bit lower in number but definitely made up by talents!

Show Cars

The cars in the Raceworz Fontana were a feast to the eyes and a chill to hang out.  There are any different modifications that made to the show and the styles changes as you walked the multiple aisles.  We will bring them to life individually in our cars.wheelsnadheelsmag.com section in the next few days.