Majestic Worthouse Umbrella Girls with Our Cover Feature Models Chirstina Riordan and Jessica Diane at 2017 #FormulaDrift IRwindale

The winning team of Worthouse umbrella girls are the perfect compliment to their winning champion James Deane driver of the great team! / W&HM Staff - To contact, email

We were thoroughly impressed by the Worthouse umbrella girls the first time we met them at the Long Beach season opener.  Our cover model Christina Riordan and our feature model Jessica Diane were the repeating model celebrity here, together with their two new models that are all fashion model built.

Under the bright Irwindale Sun, the sleek and leggy Worthouse umbrella girls still worked hard walking around the venue, greeting the attendees, and holding long smiles with fans’ selfies.  And at the end, the they stayed till the very end for the championship winning ceremony for their top driver crowned the top driver this year. Totally awesome we say!

With the strong and trophy winning  entry to the Formula Drift series, we shall see them again many times in the future seasons, and we simply cannot wait!