A Sneak Preview of Big Highlight Summary of 2014 #CES

Las Vegas, NV, by Py - 2014 CES is coming to the end.  Many dedicated but exhausted models finally can rest their feet after the show.  Vendors can get busy following up their leads and hope for big revenues this year.  The Las Vegas residents can finally get a peace of mind that their city is back to its normalcy.  

Through out the show, we encountered many promotional professionals, and were happy to see our cover model Claudia Alan, who also won the Miss 2014 Super Street.  How cool is that!!
Another our cover model, Kristy-Lei Juan (below) brought her happy Hawaiian smile to us and also to the long line of attendees who like to get a free case for phones.


There are so much to see, so many notes to take, and most importantly so many amazing models to take picture of!  It's intense and demanding, but someone has / have to do it, and do it right!

Please stay tuned for the big coverage article of 2014 CES Models as well as many articles of new technologies that we discovered!

* To see more coverage and features of the model, click on the labels below in the gray box. * If you have links to other sources of the model, please add to the comment section. Thanks. * Model, if you like provide updates, or request changes, please let us know.

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