Gazing Game with Top Models at #Hankook! Erica Nagashima, Jessica Harbour, Katelynn Ansari, and Sadie May at 2013 Formula Drift Irwindale

Irwindale, CA (W&HM) - It is an established fact in the industry that if you can be a Hankook girl, you have earned a great status in the promotional industry.  Hankook Tires' marketing team has a strong aesthetics on their promotional ambassadors.  They are the tops in the industry.  Here we have witnessed the evidence to it again here at the 2013 Formula Drift Irwindale Final Round event.

The great models above are Sadie May, Katelynn Ansari, Jessica Harbour, and Erica Nagashima.  By merely looking at their brand ambassador persona, they are stunning already.  When you actually talk with them, you will find that they are as friendly as you can get.  They are totally fun and gorgeous, the posterchild of promotional modeling!

This time, we had a little gazing game interacted with them, as you can see how the story goes...
We first saw Erica, we were so happy to see her again!
Then we met up Sadie, Katelynn, and Jessica.  They were ready for the photo op, so we were very obligated to honor the tiny window of opportunity presented to us...
Then Sadie realized that they were missing Erica... Here comes Erica!!  Happily ever together again!  Now all cameras are ready!
The picture is complete!  But wait, we Only have Erica's attention...
Wait another second, now we missed all of their attentions.  But wait, Erica, Sadie and Katelynn are back to us!  Yay!  Just waiting for Jessica...
We got Jessica, and Erica, and almost Katelynn's, but not Sadie's... Okay, another second...
We definitely have Erica's now, but lost everybody else's.  That's why we always love Erica!!  She is always so attention generous to us!!  Great job Erica!
Okay, we lost all but gained Sadie's...
5 minutes have passed... just a few more...  Well you can check to see how we fared at the end...

No matter we did not get a full attention shot in one, we found them to be super awesome to give us so much photos across different moments.  They are absolutely amazing!  We very much look forward to the SEMA event next month!!

To see more coverage and features of the model, click on her label below in the gray box.

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